Dog Bite Lawyers in St. Paul, MN

It’s common for people to see dogs regularly in St. Paul. But you never know when a dog can act aggressively and bite. There are millions of dog attacks nationwide every year—and far too many in St. Paul and the surrounding community.

A dog attack is terrifying and could leave you with scarring, severe injuries, and mental trauma. Luckily, a St. Paul dog bite attorney can help you recover compensation. Call today at 1-800-INJURED to find a lawyer in your area. You could be eligible to file a claim or lawsuit for dog attack injury damages.


St. Paul Dog Bite Laws 

If a dog bites you in Minnesota, understanding state laws regarding dog attacks is critical. Minnesota has a strict liability rule for dog bites. This means the dog owner may be liable for the victim’s injuries and other damages if their dog attacks and injures someone. Minnesota does not have a “one bite” rule, which generally means the dog owner may not be liable for injuries unless they knew or should have known the animal could be aggressive. 

Under strict liability law, you don’t need to prove that the owner was negligent; you only have to show that the dog injured you. It’s also important that the attack was unprovoked and that you weren’t trespassing when it happened. 

A St. Paul dog bite attorney knows Minnesota’s rules for dog attacks and can determine if you have a case. Dog bite attorneys frequently handle cases like yours and know how to evaluate your case to ensure you get the most compensation.

What to do After a St. Paul Dog Bite Attack 

It’s imperative to seek immediate medical attention after a dog attack. You could suffer serious injuries, including: 

  • Puncture wounds and deep lacerations
  • Nerve damage limiting motion to the affected area
  • Fractured bones from crush injuries
  • Loss of eye or limb
  • Disfigurement
  • Amputation
  • Neck and head injuries
  • Mental and emotional trauma
  • Soft tissue damage to muscles, ligaments, and tendons

A dog bite can also cause many illnesses, depending on the dog’s vaccination history. About 50% of dog attacks introduce dangerous bacteria into the wounds, increasing the chances of the following infections and diseases: 

  • Rabies
  • Bacterial infections
  • Worms
  • Mange
  • Salmonellosis
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
  • MRSA

Going to the doctor immediately after a dog attack can ensure that your injuries are treated quickly and don’t worsen. It is also essential to seek fast medical treatment to have the optimal chance to secure compensation. Insurance companies are notorious for questioning a claim when the injury victim takes too long to seek medical care. 

Potential Damages Available to Dog Bite Victims

Dog bite cases can be expensive to treat. Potential compensation in a St. Paul dog bite case could include: 

Medical bills

You may need emergency care, surgeries, hospitalization, and physical therapy to regain maximum function. You are usually entitled to all reasonable and necessary medical expenses, including future medical care. 

Lost earnings

The liable owner may be required to pay your lost wages. If you are out of work for a long time, they may owe you compensation for lost wages and the lost ability to earn a living.

Pain and suffering

Dog bites can be excruciating, and you could be entitled to compensation for pain and suffering. This form of compensation could include mental and emotional trauma related to your injuries and treatments. Some dog bite victims have recurring nightmares and can’t be around dogs anymore. These are types of mental suffering, and you could receive compensation for them, too.

Dog bite

How a St. Paul Dog Bite Attorney May Help Your Case 

There are several critical reasons for retaining a St. Paul dog bite attorney after an animal attack: 

  • Prove liability: In Minnesota, dog owners are strictly liable for their pets’ actions. However, insurance companies and their attorneys are skilled at denying blame. They could point fingers at you, arguing that you provoked the dog attack. A dog bite lawyer knows these tactics and can prove the dog owner is liable for your injuries. 
  • Maximize compensation: A seasoned and aggressive dog bite attorney knows how to negotiate with insurance companies. Most attorneys are compensated based on the damages you recover, so they are motivated to get you top dollar. 
  • Represent you in court: If the insurance company doesn’t offer fair compensation for your dog bite injuries, a dog bite lawyer will go to court and argue the case in front of the jury. 

Speak to a St. Paul Dog Bite Attorney Now 

Did a dog bite you in St. Paul? Are you suffering from mental and physical pain and trauma? You could be entitled to compensation in a dog bite lawsuit. A dog attack lawyer in St. Paul can review your case at no charge and explain your legal options. Call 1-800-INJURED today to find a St. Paul dog bite injury lawyer. 1-800-INJURED is an attorney and medical referral service.